Horaya Academy is where Academic Excellence Meets Prophetic Character.
The school day starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:00 pm* (preschool/nursery ends at 12:30 daily) from Monday to Thursday and 1pm on Friday. Classes for all grades begin a 9am after daily litanies and duas.
Preschool/ Nursery:
Lessons begin at 9am. The children in this class have flexible times for breaks and most learning is done through hands on play. Most of the students come with their packed lunch. Their school day ends at 12:00pm.
Grades 1-9
There are separate breaks for Key Stage 1 and 2. Years 1 and 2 come out for their first break at 10:00am which ends at 10:45am while the Year 3 to 6 break begins at 10:30am and ends at 11:15am. The second break for Years 1 and 2 is from 12:15pm to 12:45pm while for Years 3 to 6 it is from 1:15pm to 1:45pm. The separation of the break times gives each Key Stage their own space and makes the queue for the canteen manageable!
Specialist Subjects
In addition to the general subjects taught in the classes by class teachers, there are specialist subjects. These subjects are:
*Historical Figures
*Physical Education (P.E.)
***Information Communication and Technology is built into each class. Student in K and up receive tablets.
Sick Bay
The school has a Sick Bay with two qualified nurses to take care of the First Aid in the school. The nurses will contact the parents /guardians if a child is injured at the school. If it is a more serious incident the child may be taken to the nearest hospital for medical attention.